First game night out of the gate this year 6 knights conveyed for a game of Evolution: Climate. This game transports the players millions of years into the past controlling the evolution of their species to survive the climate and outwit opponents’ species. Tim went carnivore early in this game and managed to keep that species from going extinct for the entire game. The climate stayed mild for this game and the watering hole stayed stocked until the very last turn’s feeding phase.

This meant that the players setting up eating combinations were set up for these conditions but Tim was able to stay evolved well enough to make sure his carnivore was fed. That meant the scavengers were also really well fed. Colten went carnivore on the last turn which was smart to avoid the food shortage at the watering hole. I managed to keep a good amount of food coming in until the last turn feeding a large population. Franks combo engine kicked in mid game and it felt like he might have the game with a couple of monster eating rounds late in the game.

Tim quietly kept nabbing creatures and with scavenger, stealth played his way into lots of food points. First tie break was traits and I just barely got that for the win. Franks combo engine put him a couple of points out of first. Colten made a lot of points in the final round with his carnivore to land him in 4th. There was a last place tie for the two new players, Eric got the tie breaker over Derek.

Final Scores:

  Knight Score Food Population Traits
1 Luke 54 35 10 9*
2 Tim 54 34 12 8*
3 Frank 52 30 10 12
4 Colten 40 24 8 8
5 Eric 37 23 4 10*
6 Derek 37 24 6 7*